From cultivating your canna rhizomes, to enjoying their vibrant red flowers, and saving them over winter, everything you need to know about enjoying and caring for your perennial canna lilies is in this downloadable PDF:
Did you know monarchs can’t survive without milkweed?
Milkweed is the only plant monarch caterpillars will eat, so it’s the only place monarchs lay their eggs. Help save Monarch Butterflies with our downloadable PDF:
Train twining morning glory vines over a pergola or arch or use them as a dense groundcover. This drought-tolerant plant grows quickly - up to 10 feet in one season - more info in our downloadable PDF:
Known for its papery, coin-like pods, the Money Plant has a deep purple flower bloom as well! Growing up to 36" and is of course also superb for dried flower arrangements. More in our downloadable Plant Guide PDF:
The flowers are followed by numerous seedpods, which open up to reveal the black seed clusters resembling blackberries that give rise to the common name of blackberry lily.
Gravity fed water slowly infuses the soil, through the Terracotta Watering Stake, providing an "on demand" supply of water, for about 2 weeks!
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